Have you ever looked at an elderly person prancing across the street, without a care in the world, and thought, “I want to be like that when I become elderly”? Do you desire to live a worry-free life, but the feeling of shouldering the burdens of the over 7 billion people in the universe makes that dream seem unattainable? If this sounds like you, you are not alone.
The plights and burdens that people face regularly have made joy and well-being in Nigeria a matter of utmost importance. These plights, which would be laughable if they were not so pathetic, have decreased the zest for life that many people have. In fact, it is not uncommon to meet someone with a ‘what-good-is-life’ outlook these days. Perhaps, if these conditions were not so persistent and prevalent, joy and well-being in Nigeria will not be such a concern. But with Nigeria having the highest suicide rate in Africa, the average Nigerian’s joy and well-being cannot be overlooked. For this reason, organisations like Joy Inc, whose mission is to enable people and organisations to flourish and stay centred, are needed.
It’s commonly said that “Nigerians are happy people.” The prevalence of comedy skits, comedy shows and the increased popularities of comedians is proof. In addition to this, Nigeria was given an impressive 77 points in a 53-Country Gallup Poll on optimism. However, how much can an optimistic nation take if joy and well-being in Nigeria don’t take a front seat in the hall of priorities?
It will be comforting to see more Nigerians give more thought to joy and well-being in the not so distant future. After all, being joyful has been shown to boost the immune system, reduce pain, combat stress, protect the heart and increase life expectancy. Meaning, years from now, you can be that elderly person, staying forever young, prancing across the street without a care in the world.